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Shubie Clay Mask


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Handmade in Urbania, Nova Scotia by Homestead Lavender, these beauty masks contain clay from the Bay of Fundy! This amazing mask will leave your skin feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

The Shubenacadie river flows as a boundary between Hants and Colchester county in Nova Scotia. This mask is derived from its flats in South Maitland where the Tidal Bore roars through. Saltwater clay is commonly known for its ability to draw out oils and toxins from your skin. Paired with green tea extract and lavender oil for rejuvenation, this mask is perfect for tightening, smoothing and repairing skin.

Mix with water to make a face mask - or add yogurt, honey, avocado, etc to get even more skin benefits! 

Makes approx. 2 masks